Thursday, October 31, 2019
Dilemmas in the Intensive Care Unit Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Dilemmas in the Intensive Care Unit - Case Study Example As Littleton, and Engebretson (2005) observe, a young teenager who has received no childbirth preparation will need more teaching than other;  it is also said that the woman in labor is of central importance; not the nurse, doctor or nurse-midwife (p. 506). So, the first step will be easing the tension of Rachel and providing support. For this purpose, the service of chaplain will be utilized. A chaplain will be summoned quickly to handle the fear and stress of Rachel.The second step will be to make the parents understand the seriousness of the situation. They will be advised on the importance to have a proper medical intervention as there is fetal distress. Even if they do not provide consent, considering the seriousness of the situation, the doctor on duty will be informed of the situation.As the situation is gradually getting critical, it becomes necessary to ensure the availability of staff in case of an emergency. Considering the fact that the doctor on duty is attending anot her emergency case, necessary steps will be taken to ensure the presence of staff to handle the situation to avoid risk. It is possible that the doctor on duty has got busy on another emergency that might take a long time. In addition, Rachel’s situation is getting critical. In the second case, the ethical issue is whether to allow Yves to enter the ICU to visit Alain Trottier. As Molter (2007) observes, nurses should have the skill to model interaction between the patient and family; and, continuing rigid restrictive visiting practices when it is certain that it is not beneficial is an ethical question in concern (p. 70). In the case of Alain Trottier, it is evident that Yves, his domestic partner, was along with him in the ER and is still in the hospital. In addition, the patient has been unconscious for a day and still, there is no change in the situation and no diagnosis had been made. In addition, hospital policy allows domestic partners to be treated as married coupl es. In addition, as per the policy, it is Yves who is responsible to make decisions for the patient. Carter and Lopert  (2005, p.94) say that if possible, staff should allow some flexibility in visiting schedules and should keep family and friends apprised of the patient’s support needs.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
A Report containing the complete Environmental Audit & Suggested Essay
A Report containing the complete Environmental Audit & Suggested Program of Action - Essay Example a top priority by the Council as to maintain a cleaner city and to ensure maximum protection to the environment of the City as set out in this Environmental Policy of the Council. The Council will strive to comply with regulations laid down by the County’s legal systems as well as by all the international conventions dealing with the environmental protection in the EU countries. The aim of the Council is to attain the maximum standards prescribed for the protection of environment in respect of Waste Management. As proclaimed in the Environmental policy in order to ensure that the compliance with the various environmental regulations are kept up to date and also to educate the staff of the Council on the importance of the Environmental protection, the Council has strengthened the ‘Department of Environmental Protection’ by increasing the scope of the department with more number of staff appointed there for. This department is entrusted with the specific task of taking care of the issues relating to the environmental protection and also the compliance with various environmental regulations has been made the responsibility of the department. A senior level manager has been appointed to oversee the functions of this department. The Council has appointed field inspectors to visit the various waste management sites of the Council located throughout the Council area, inspect the progress made by the sites on the environmental management and make a report thereon. The audit conducted a survey among 324 departmental employees who are entrusted with the various responsibilities for the waste management at 12 different sites of the Council. These employees were selected randomly out of the total employees of the Council. The audit also included the visits to the various sites during the period between April 2006 to March 2007 and a study of the reports maintained by the Council for a period of 3 years. The Department initiated the baseline assessments for the 12
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Conflicts in Frankenstein
Conflicts in Frankenstein The evident conflict is present throughout Mary Shelleys Frankenstein. Conflict, suspense and an elevating climax are three major components to a well-written novel. The components of conflict in a novel continually advance the plot and must always affect the main character in a way that portrays through the other characters in the novel as well. In Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, the components of conflict, suspense and climax are all demonstrated in a way that shows throughout the main character as well as the other characters in the novel. External and internal conflicts are both present in Victor Frankenstein from beginning to end. In the beginning of the novel, Victors mother dies, thus Victors coping mechanism consists of him becoming captivated by the thought of death, or rather driven by re-creating life using dead corpses. He then proceeds to create his own monster hoping to be the first man to re-create life. The monster turns out to be very unattractive and Victor decides to shun it and deprive it from the love and care it would need creating further conflict upon himself and his family. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I thought that if I could bestow animation upon lifeless matter, I might in process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where death had apparently devoted the body to corruption. (Shelley 39) In this quote, Victor is stating that he is aware that this creature will be complete malice because his death has devoted the body to corruption yet, he doubts his creation for a similar reason. As a res ult of Victors neglect towards his monster, the monster becomes out of control and creates more conflict when he murders Victors younger brother William. If Victor hadnt neglected his creation, this intricate conflict wouldnt have been created. To add onto this conflict, Frankensteins monster inquires Frankenstein about making him a female companion who is equally unattractive so he does not have to continue to live in solitude and self-hatred. After refusing to do so in the beginning, Victor Frankenstein reluctantly agrees to this. After he has almost completed his monsters female companion, he realizes the future consequences of his current actions and destroys the female monster directly in front of his other monster. His monster becomes outraged and swears to Victor that he will be present on his wedding night, creating foreshadowing and suspense in the novel. The destroying of the female monster foreshadows what will end up happening on Victor Frankensteins wedding night, which we as readers assumed would mean Elizabeths death but Victor assumed as his own. This creates suspense in the novel because the readers now have to find out whether Frankenstein realizes this on time or if Elizabeth ends up dying a horrendous death. Mystery and suspense are built in well from the first page of the novel. The introduction of the external narrator using Waltons letters to his sister makes the reader feel like a spectator watching the story unfold from the outside. We, as the readers, do not experience the main characters point of view. Alternatively, we have the main character telling us what is happening. The use of numerous views from different characters gives us a perfect amount of information to create suspense as well. When we read the sections of the story from Victors point of view, we know that the monster has been created, but then we are l eft wondering where the monster has gone. When the novel switches to the monsters point of view, we comprehend his motives but we never know how he will handle the situations. We, as readers, do not know whether the monster will try to get his revenge or not. Another clever device used to enhance suspense is pathetic fallacy. In the beginning of Chapter 5, Shelley describes the setting as a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦dreary night [in] Novemberà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Shelley 42) which foreshadows dark upcoming events. The climax is the most important part of the novel seeing that it draws the readers attention to continue reading. The climax of Frankenstein occurs when the monster is first created. When this happens, Victor Frankenstein becomes aware of the mistake he made when making his monster. Near the end of the novel, there is a second climax when Victor is prepared to fight the monster on his wedding night, but the monster ends up brutally murdering Elizabeth. In the beginning of the novel, the climax is set in the Arctic. The setting is important to the climax because it portrays loneliness from the monsters first breath. The creature feels abandoned and isolated throughout his whole life. Another character that was affected by death and loneliness was Justine, whose father died leaving her to live with her mother, who did not treat her well. A parent who does not express their love towards their child is not a parent. This leaves the child as an orphan. Overall, Mary Shelley portrayed internal and external conflict, suspense and climax exceptionally throughout her novel Frankenstein. This novel puts the reader through many different perspectives to help us feel the emotion and struggle that every character had to deal with. The extent to which she portrays Victor Frankensteins conflict not only through Victor himself, but through every character in the novel aids us as readers to realize that the connection of conflict between characters is what makes a good novel. In the end, Mary Shelleys main theme of science makes the reader recognize the populations terror of scientific advancement. She portrays it through Frankenstein and shows that science may well be what will destroy mankind.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Ediacaran Fauna Essay -- essays research papers
Up until 1947, it was believed that the Cambrian Explosion marked the first true abundance of multicellular life. However, this was discovered to be untrue after Sir Douglas Mawson and R.C. Sprigg mistakenly came across numerous "fossil jellyfish" in the Ediacara Hills while observing what was originally believed to be sandstones belonging to the lowest strata of the Cambrian. At first, these finding were dismissed as "fortuitous inorganic markings."(AAS Biographical Memoirs.) Several years later however, other discoveries of segmented worms, worm tracks, and impressions of two other assemblages that bear no resemblance to any known organism, living or extinct, prompted the South Australian Museum and the University of Adelaide to undertake a joint investigation of the region. Further studies by M. F. Glaessner, a paleontologist at Adelaide showed that the fossils were found well below the oldest Cambrian strata and that the strata actually dated from the Precambrian era. Several thousand specimens have since been collected in the Ediacara Hills. All the fossils collected were soft-bodied animals and their tissues were strengthened by spicules-needles of calcium carbonate that functioned as their support. The Ediacaran organisms were marine animals, some crawled, some were attached to the sea floor and others would swim or just freely float. Their impressions were molded in the moving sands that washed over the mud flats and were preserved as casts in the sandstone. It is difficult to conceive how fossils of delicate soft-bodied animals could be preserved given the evidence of strong currents in the strata. However, extensive research has provided an explanation. Most of the animals settled on mud patches out of the water during calm currents. Some of these patches dried between tides and developed deep cracks. The next shifting current would then cover these cracks with a layer of sand and the lower surfaces preserved the mud in the form of perfect casts. (Glaessner 67)The nature of these soft-bodied fossils justifies the characterization of the Precambrian as the "age of the jellyfish," however the term jellyfish only refers to a number of diverse forms, which belong to the Phylum Cnideria. (Glaessner 64) Six principle forms of animals have been discovered. The first are the rounded, discoidal impressions, resembling th... ...nimals. Gregory Retallack, a paleontologist from the University of Oregon, suggests that these fossils were lichens. Retallack's argument rests on the fact that the impressions were buried five kilometers under ground. He believes the fossils should have been crushed by the weight of the overlying sediment. But Retallack observed that the fossils "were as compaction resistant as some kinds of fossil tree trunks!" Because of this, Retallack concludes that these forms weren't animals, rather lichens made up of sturdy molecules such as chitin. Further evidence of this interpretation can be found in the Ediacaran organism's growth patterns and microscopic structure. (Woodmorappe 1) Despite these controversial implications many paleontologists still believe the Ediacaran animals are in fact ancestors of the animals in the existing phyla. This controversy might not be resolved until the discovery of fossils providing more information.. (Levin 267) Charles Darwin found himself in this same situation some 150 years ago. Just as he was befuddled by the absence of the ancestors of the Cambrian anim als, we are puzzled by the absence of direct ancestors of these Ediacaran fossils.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Jessica Yassen’s Philosophy of Meaning and Value Plan
Abstract As a leader in today's society individuals need to have an understanding and an approach outlined to describe their meanings and values in life. An application plan describes personal experiences and outlooks, philosophies on life, ethical standards, values, along with personal career plans and growth. This paper demonstrates the author Jessica Yassen's approach to meaning and value along with her application plan. This plan will describe how Jessica Yassen will apply her philosophies guided by theories from philosophers in the traditional era such as Aristotle, modern era such as Descartes to Wittgenstein, and postmodern era such as Derrida, Foucault, and Rorty. This plan will be revised as postmodernism continues to be redefined through the creation of new paradigms in society. Jessica Yassen's Philosophy of Meaning and Value Plan Meaning, significance, importance, value, worth is a debatable issue. Meaning is a quality inherent in something independent of an individual who considers something meaningful. The sections that follow are from the author's own set of values and meanings. While she attempts to argue her case convincingly she knows that this is all just one point of view and can be discounted as such. Approach to Meaning and Value The author's perspective and value system believes that there is no meaning in unity that has any relevance to the personality. The personality cannot know unity and therefore cannot know the meaning of unity. There is no fixed, inherent meaning in our lives, in creation, in duality. Everything is subject to change, so all meanings will change. The meanings given to things are a complex product of culture, beliefs, personal values, philosophy, realizations, life experiences, habits, and more. Society often uses meaning to construct a coherent narrative of our lives and uses this narrative to give a context for the decisions made according to the values held. The narrative changes as society changes. When more people seem to share the same narrative or meanings there is a less threat to that narrative or those meanings. In the extreme this can lead to non-engagement with those that do not share the same narrative and exclusion of people who did share the same view but now do not. This develops the accepted shared reality of societies. That concept of meaning and purpose occupy the mind and drive many of our emotional responses such as euphoria to the other extreme of depression. The more negative the emotion, such as anxiety, one tends to originate from a perceived threat to or conflict in what society considers meaningful or purposeful. Moore and Bunder (2002) stated that Aristotle valued the power of human reason, with the influence of culture, to envision and classify nature and human understanding and to make ethical judgments concerning the good man. The author agrees with Aristotle in the fact that humans are naturally emotional and have an understanding of what is good and what is not. Even if someone does not act ethically, he or she has the ability to listen to reason of what he or she did wrong and why the action is perceived wrong in society. Leary (1980) described Rene Descartes as having an understanding that philosophy is the study of wisdom where wisdom governs everything in life. Another view from the modern era was that of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Moore and Bruder (2002) stated that Ludwig used analysis philosophy to derive value. The author leans towards Ludwig's views in the fact that she analyzes everything and believes there is a reason in seeing the true reality. In the post-modern era, views from Jacque Derrida, Michael Foucault, and Richard Rorty were formed. These postmodernist believe that reason is subjective and that truth is non-existent. They tend to believe what they are told in their social group and are always looking to answer the reason; however, when the answer is found, they challenge the answer. The author believes that those that embrace the postmodern paradigm will be effective based on the fact that they will always be trying to improve themselves, those around them, and the systems they work with always believing that there will be always be room for growth because perfection can not be obtained. They will challenge those that work for or with them to think critically and creatively to do their best. As a leader, the author realizes that the world is constantly changing and before she can challenge my team to think critically and creatively, they must have an up-to-date knowledge of the business area and world improvements. She would need to assess and address learning needs and evaluate the impact on the team and the company. Learning would need to be work-based such as mentoring, shadowing, and training where appropriate. After the learning opportunities have been addressed, then as a leader, round table discussions with the team will help spark the creative and critical thinking. Personal Experiences The author has experience on how to spark creativity and helping others think critically. Her last manager had team meetings where everyone participated in fun exercises such as using craft items such as buttons, balloons, aluminum foil, ties, marbles, and markers to build the perfect team member. The designs were very creative. Using this type of creative thinking with round table, the author can see system designs taking place through creative interactive thoughts. Challenging users by offering incentives is also a win-win. An example is where the author's company implemented a new program where an incentive was to be given for figuring out the best way to implement a new feature needed. A user came up with the best way to effectively program the feature and design to implement. This saved the company about $25,000. The reward was a week of paid time off. Now everyone thinks and knows that there are incentives to do better through creative process such as designing a system to thinking critically such as processes and system impacts. Personal Philosophy on Life The author's personal philosophy on life is to be kind, honest, helpful, truthful, and generous. Her personality is best suited for a profession in information systems. She loves to work with computers and the technologies surrounding computers. Fear, anxiety, and uncertainty are influences that affect new computer users in today's society. Ethical Standards and Values If someone's personality is able to function in society and permits him or her to reasonably efficiently live and prosper according to his or her own value system then he or she is doing well. When individuals become aware of aspects of the personality that interfere with their ability to realize what they value then they should use personality tools as part of the approach to doing something. If someone operates from a value system that seeks no fixed meanings or purpose he or she will often find such personality tools to be highly effective as there is a greater facility for letting go of the attitudes and habits that are the source of most personality conflicts. The belief system of the mediator is crucial in their ability to meditate. Some belief systems are not useful and too much identification with self-analysis unconsciously creates its own problems as demonstrated by those who struggle in meditation. Surrender, acceptance, self-love are the context in which the application of personality tools and a moderate amount of self-analysis can facilitate more effective meditation. Meditation can be used to avoid facing the issues that interfere with melting and can help society notice, accept, and work through the same issues. If someone is content and relaxed in life then he or she is probably melting in life and so will melt more completely in meditation. Future Plans and Ambitions The author's career plans and ambitions are determined by several factors. These factors are based on her family, education, resources, and potential growth opportunities in her career path. Her first step is to familiarize herself with various options available. Once she has determined which career option entices her the most, she will find a course to help take her to her goal and determine preparations needed to achieve her goal. To be effective in her career plan, the author must lay out both long-term and short-term goals. The short-term goals are building blocks towards the larger long-term goal. Some of the short-term goals will include course work, training, and preparation required to achieve the ultimate goal. As the author grows, she realizes that her goals may change. This will be factored in her decision-making process. Every decision is limited only by what she is capable of now or in the future and her ability to identify alternatives. She will explore alternatives available keeping in mind her core values, commitments, resources, and constraints. Working hard and never underestimating what can be achieved is the author's motto. Evolution Growth and Changes There is no evolution towards some future perfection if there is no universal sole purpose for life. In fact biological evolution, when understood in the way biologists intend, offers a good analogy for the many ways humans can develop and unfold. Biological evolution is not striving to produce the perfect organism. The process of evolution favors the reproduction of organism that is well suited to a particular environment. As the environment changes so will the form best suited to that environment. There is no grand purpose to the changes in the environment and so there are no purposive changes in the organisms induced by that environmental change. The tendency to find meanings in the phenomena that manifest around us can be seen as a product of evolution. There is a biological advantage in responding to an observed pattern that results in more food, less danger, or other factors. Responding to apparently random or coincidental events as if they were connected is advantageous. Enlightenment in Life While there may be no ultimate meaning, purpose, or truth in life, life comes with the wonderful and mysterious gift that enlightenment can be realized. And while realization of this serves no ultimate, the knowledge has profound consequences for the way someone can live in his or her life and how to encounter the process of his or her death. And so there is value and meaning and purpose and truth to be found in helping others realize enlightenment. As someone who has realized enlightenment, the author choose to spend time helping others to realize the same state in their way because her value system considered this to be profoundly liberating and, within this narrative, gave her pleasure to see others finding that liberation too. This offers a radical and empowering insight and the possibility of resolution of personal and social conflict enabled by the shift of perspective inherent in the state. Challenging situations or concepts in order to question habitual value systems, let alone engage in the process of changing the situation takes conscious determination and interaction. Indeed, their value system may be very hostile to any process that involves questioning one's value system. The concept of a hostile enlightened person does not rest easily with value systems that equate enlightenment with perfection of the personality but makes perfect sense if remembered that the personality does not realize the state of enlightenment. Perfection of the personality is not necessary to realizing enlightenment. Society can still be reasonable at letting go even with value systems that are judgmental or have a personality that struggles to cope with people or life. Enlightenment essentially involves letting go of absolutely everything just for an instant, and does not require that everything is sorted out before let go. If there is nothing that is more important than anything else, no way of living more meaningful than any other way, then society cannot hide from acting to help our fellow human beings behind statements such as ‘life is meaningless, only transcendence from this world of pain is meaningful'. The notion that this imperfect world is something to escape from may result in toleration of human suffering and dismissal of people who have given their lives to help others as being misguided. This has been used with effect by oppressive religious or political regimes. Applicable Aspects of Philosophy Care has to be taken in the expression of values not based on ultimate meanings to individuals who value the concept of there being ultimate meaning. Unless someone has had a strong experience of being in stillness and has had the opportunity to develop a sense of individuality there can be a devastating effect to have his or her sense of personal meaning and purpose deeply questioned. Values of kindness and compassion would restrain the philosophical aggression that would attack another's beliefs. If society considers that values are personal and not universal then there is no imperative to inflict someone's own value system on others. From this perspective there is a balance to be found between meeting someone's own needs and the needs of those around. At times society must also decide that, according to their values, to tolerate or not the behavior of someone's acts of violence, abuse, and intolerance for others. Traditional notions of morality and spirituality are also challenged by value systems. Concepts such as sin and karma have no place if there is nothing inherently wrong or right in any action. This does not mean that the abuse humans inflict on each other should be tolerated or condoned. Society finds that human values consider an action or attitude as being unacceptable and the social consensus of a group of a community that institutes laws to control behaviors that that community decides to not tolerate. Many societies are currently in turmoil because the traditional socially controlling religious values are breaking down with the rise of individualism and liberal tolerance. The author believes that no action is inherently bad or good. Every action has consequences across the whole of our lives to one extent or another. To act from self-interest and hatred will polarize interactions with life and cause those interactions to be based on self-interest and hatred and a life led in this context is less likely to find contentment. In order to respond positively to difficult events in life many people use the concept that such difficulties are meant to be and that they offer learning opportunities. There is a sense that their life is heading in a particular direction or to a particular goal and challenging situations are stepping-stones on the way perhaps guided by some universal intelligence. These attitudes help integrate survivable challenges but struggle to withstand lethal situations and seem trite in the face of the worst of human tragedy or abuse. Conclusion Many discussions of enlightenment will give the impression that through its realization the truth is known and that there is no mystery left. While the realization of the eternal state of unity that is enlightenment means that in that state there is no mystery, the truth of that state is known absolutely; the utter simplicity of this state can only answer questions that pertain to duality and life with a deep contented wisdom that things are as they are. Society can not reach closure in life nor finish the narrative of everyone's lives because there is and always will be another perspective, always something unconsidered, or unknown. Only in unity is there such closure since unity has the simplest of narratives that never changes. The joy of enlightenment for the author is to be utterly content that all the meanings she finds in life and the purposes she gives are like ripples in the sand that will be reformed with every wave, allowing a new creative and refreshing response to life.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Arguments of the Class Theorists
Class theorists argue that class provides the basic structure of society and is also the chief cause of the inequality of modern societies. The hierarchy of the Australia class system consists of a â€Å"ruling†upper class, a â€Å"white-collar†middle class, and a â€Å"laboring†working class. There is enormous inequality between the class groups and especially between the upper- and middle-classes and the working-class. What class you belong to plays a determining role in what sort of life you lead. Those at the top of the class structure typically seem to have more power, more wealth, more opportunities, and more control over their lives than those at the bottom. They also have a greater impact on society and use this advantage to manipulate society to serve their values and suit their needs. This is no where more evident than in the social institution of education. Education is one of the great dividers amongst classes. The school you go to often determines what sort of qualifications you obtain, what job you get and, thus, how much money you earn and what class you move into. Education is a means in which individuals seek social mobility. Parents realized this long ago and some struggle to send their children to private schools to give them a better chance of succeeding in the class hierarchy. Other children, typically from working-class backgrounds, are victims of low expectations, both from their parents and internally, and leave school as soon as they can, moving into low-paid jobs near the bottom of the social ladder. Whereas, many upper-class and middle-class pupils regard tertiary education as the natural way to their future careers. John Germov states that the education system is a product of a class society and that every society must reproduce itself using its social institutions. Schools accomplish this reproduction of the class system through ideological hegemony, where the dominant belief system, that of the upper-class and even middle-class, is the overriding principle underlying the curriculum and agenda of the educational system. The dominant values, those of the upper-class, are therefore, transmitted and spread through education. This overemphasis of the upper-class ethos tends to alienate working-class children giving way to a feeling of intimidation and eventually it yields resistance to and resignation from schooling. Cultural capital- the knowledge, skills, and beliefs essential for school success- is also an important factor in educational merit. As stated earlier, those at the top of the class hierarchy usually have more wealth and more opportunities. This puts them at a straightaway advantage to those at the lower end of the hierarchy. Cultural capital varies through the classes, as is evident by the greater number of upper- and middle-class children attending tertiary institutions and the high number of working-class dropouts. The pursuit of a classless society is an important gauge of how much progress we have made in diminishing the adverse impact of class upon our lives. The idea of a classless society is unlikely to ever be achieved, but a serious critique of class may help to create a more equal society, especially in the realm of the social institution of education.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Women of the South American Yanomamo Society essays
Women of the South American Yanomamo Society essays Women of the South American Yanomamo Society The South American Yanomamo society is decidedly masculine. Yanomamo women are considered inferior to men. The superior/inferior male/female duality occurs in all contexts of the Yanomamos lives. It can be seen from the division of daily labor to the beatings that women are subject to. However, women have a role to play in Yanomamo society, albeit, not one many American women would find agreeable. The practice of infanticide plays a role in the lack of women in Yanomamo society. Yanomamo prefer to parent a male child rather than a female child. Many times a female child will be killed at birth because females are inferior to males. To the people of North American culture certain the Yanomamo procedures of murdering a newborn baby would be considered brutal, horrific and mutilation. Some Americans would also suggest that abortion is murder also. However, many Americans see a clear difference between abortion and infanticide. One argument for abortion is that a fetus is not considered a child until it is born. Infanticide kills a child that has already been born. The differences of men and women can be found in the early socialization of the children. Female children assume duties and responsibilities in the household long before their brothers are obliged to participate in comparable useful domestic tasks. Young girls tend to their younger siblings, and help their mothers with chores. By the time a girl is ten years old, she has become an economic asset to the mother and spends a great deal of time working. In contrast, little boys, spend hours playing and are able to prolong their childhood into their late teens. Most are promised in marriage by the time they reach puberty. Girls have almost no voice in the decision of whom they will marry. Their elder kin decide mate selection. The girls wishes are not considered. Boys, in...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on God
My Father’s Vision Every day since I’ve been born, people have expected so much out of me. Try to imagine waking up in the morning, and not knowing what it is like to be imperfect. Every day I awake with a feeling that I don’t know what I am suppose to do in life. People pull and tug on me from all directions trying to influence my decisions. I live with my mom and my step-dad. I love my family more than anything. They are understanding of whom I am, and what I want to become in life. My step-dad works with his hands, and has taught me all the tricks of the trade. My mom is adored by mostly everyone, and she is just perfect. She gives me the space when I need to try and figure out things, but she is also my mother and I respect her. Respecting my mother is something that I take very seriously. Anyone that does not respect their mother is showing a sign of weakness. My father is a person that I talk to on an everyday basis. We have a very strong relationship that is built around communication. I often do not understand some of my father’s wishes or visions on what he wants me to do in life, but he respects me enough to let me make my own decisions. He is wise, and I know that I should always listen to what he has to say, but I feel like I need to live my life too. I am a young man in the prime of my life and often want to give into temptation, but through the communication between my father and me, I try to understand my role and act appropriately. I don’t understand why my father puts so much pressure on me, and I don’t always want to be put under such scrutiny. Every little thing I do he judges me. If I am talking to a group of people, he is there making sure I am speaking properly. Even when I am out with my friends, I don’t have the freedom to be goofy or just clown around for a while because I am so worried t hat I am going to make a mistake. I try to talk to my friends about the whole situation, but either th... Free Essays on God Free Essays on God My Father’s Vision Every day since I’ve been born, people have expected so much out of me. Try to imagine waking up in the morning, and not knowing what it is like to be imperfect. Every day I awake with a feeling that I don’t know what I am suppose to do in life. People pull and tug on me from all directions trying to influence my decisions. I live with my mom and my step-dad. I love my family more than anything. They are understanding of whom I am, and what I want to become in life. My step-dad works with his hands, and has taught me all the tricks of the trade. My mom is adored by mostly everyone, and she is just perfect. She gives me the space when I need to try and figure out things, but she is also my mother and I respect her. Respecting my mother is something that I take very seriously. Anyone that does not respect their mother is showing a sign of weakness. My father is a person that I talk to on an everyday basis. We have a very strong relationship that is built around communication. I often do not understand some of my father’s wishes or visions on what he wants me to do in life, but he respects me enough to let me make my own decisions. He is wise, and I know that I should always listen to what he has to say, but I feel like I need to live my life too. I am a young man in the prime of my life and often want to give into temptation, but through the communication between my father and me, I try to understand my role and act appropriately. I don’t understand why my father puts so much pressure on me, and I don’t always want to be put under such scrutiny. Every little thing I do he judges me. If I am talking to a group of people, he is there making sure I am speaking properly. Even when I am out with my friends, I don’t have the freedom to be goofy or just clown around for a while because I am so worried t hat I am going to make a mistake. I try to talk to my friends about the whole situation, but either th... Free Essays on God WHO IS GOD? In my life on this planet I have come to question many things that many take on as blind faith. We all know that someday we will ‘physically’ die, Yet, we continuously deny the forces working inside ourselves which want to search out the true outcome of what may or may not come after death. It’s far easier for humanity to accept that they will go on to a safe haven and be forgiven for all, rather than to question the existence of a super omnipotent being. Fortunately, there are some of us who tend to question the why’s and how’s that come before us. We question the creation of humanity and the religious teachings received from our parents, our church and our society. This paper examines the many rational arguments for and against the existence of God. It is based on the views of some of the great philosophers and scientists of our world. I will show that there is no sufficient proof or comprehensive arguments for the existence of God. ONTOLOGICAL AR GUMENTS God generally refers to one supreme, holy, personal being,. The divine unity of ultimate good-ness and of ultimate reality. St. Anselm of Canterbury developed what we have learned to be the ontological argument. He began his argument by saying that even a fool can grasp or understand the concept of â€Å"a being than of which nothing greater can be conceived.†He continues to state that a fool would say that the concept of this being’s existence is only in his mind and in the mind of others but not in reality. However he also admits to the possibility of this being existing in reality. Whatever is understood by the fool is argued that than which nothing is greater can be conceived cannot solely exist in the mind but also in reality, hence, God exists. This personally sounds like a salesperson's pitch to confuse and conquer for a sale. Gaunilo felt the same. He frequently debated with St. Anselm on behalf of the fool. He stated that it was not possible to v...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Superorder Dictyoptera, Roaches and Mantids
Superorder Dictyoptera, Roaches and Mantids Dictyoptera means network wings, referring to the visible network of veins present in the wings of this order. The superorder Dictyoptera includes orders of insects related by evolution and features: Blattodea (sometimes called Blattaria), the cockroaches, and Mantodea, the mantids. That being said, the world of science is ever-evolving, and taxonomy is no exception. This branch of the insect taxonomic tree is currently under revision. Some insect taxonomists also group termites in the superorder Dictyoptera. In some entomology references, the Dictyoptera may be ranked at the order level, with the mantids and roaches listed as suborders. Description: Perhaps no other pairing of insects seems as unlikely as cockroaches and mantids of the order Dictyoptera. Cockroaches are almost universally reviled, while mantids, also called praying mantises, are often revered. Taxonomists rely only on physical and functional characteristics to determine groups of like insects, however. Compare a cockroach and a mantid, and youll notice both have leathery forewings. Called tegmina, these wings are held like a roof over the abdomen. Roaches and mantids have long and spiny middle and hind legs. Their feet, or tarsi, nearly always have five segments. Dictyopterans use chewing mouthparts to consume their food, and have long, segmented antennae. Both cockroaches and mantids also share a few anatomical features that you would only see through close examination and dissection, but theyre important clues to establishing the relationship between these seemingly different insect groups. Insects have a platelike sternite near the end of their abdomens, under the genitalia, and in the Dictyoptera, this genital plate is enlarged. Roaches and mantids also share a special digestive system structure. Between the foregut and midgut, they have a gizzard-like structure called a proventriculus, and in the Dictyoptera the proventriculus has internal teeth that break down solid bits of food before sending them along the alimentary canal. Finally, in roaches and mantids, the tentorium – a skull-like structure in the head that cradles the brain and gives the head capsule its form – is perforated. Members of this order undergo incomplete or simple metamorphosis with three stages of development: egg, nymph, and adult. The female lays eggs in groups, then encases them in foam which hardens into a protective capsule, or ootheca. Habitat and Distribution: The superorder Dictyoptera contains nearly 6,000 species, distributed worldwide. Most species live in terrestrial habitats in the tropics. Major Families in the Superorder: Blattidae - Oriental and American cockroachesBlattellidae- German and wood cockroachesPolyphagidae - desert cockroachesBlaberidae - giant cockroachesMantidae - mantids Dictyopterans of Interest: Blatta orientalis, the Oriental cockroach, gains access to homes through plumbing pipes.The brown-banded cockroach, Supella longipalpa, is called the TV roach. It likes to hide inside warm electronic appliances.Brown-hooded cockroaches (Cryptocercus punctulatus) live in family groups. Females give birth to live young; the nymphs take 6 years to reach maturity.The Mediterranean mantid takes its scientific name, Iris oratoria from an unusual marking on the underside of its wing. Literally, the name means talking eye, a smart description of the eyespot which is displayed when the mantid feels threatened. Sources: Dictyoptera, Kendall Bioresearch Services. Accessed online March 19, 2008.Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America, by Eric R. Eaton Kenn KaufmanDictyoptera, Tree of Life Web. Accessed online March 19, 2008.Evolution of the Insects, by David Grimaldi, Michael S. Engel.External Anatomy - The Insects Head, by John R. Meyer, North Carolina State University Department of Entomology. Accessed online November 9, 2015.Unlikely Sisters – Roaches and Mantises, by Nancy Miorelli, Ask an Entomologist website. Accessed online November 9, 2015.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Ethnics studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethnics studies - Essay Example r mentions that â€Å"the cover of National Review featured President William Jefferson Clinton, first Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and vice president Al Gore, all in yellowface†(Hwang). He further explains that this paints the fact that the political leaders have been greatly blinded by Asia’s wealth so that America is now losing its identity as a nation. Such circumstance is also reflected in the character of Terrence Granville who was poisoned by the evil doctor. Consequently, the young man goes to his team and encourages his girlfriend to unearth the real sword and mask to give to Manchu. Like the yellow-faced politicians, Granville, a representation of American leaders, is pushed blindly to bring his team to the dangers of Manchu’s evil plans. World power is one of the great desires of leaders that led to various wars and killed many people. The movie mentioned above also portrays this theme. Dr. Manchu wanted Genghis Khan’s armor and mask because he wanted to dominate the world. However, the English Nayland Smith and Sir Lionel Barton are determined to stop him from his evil plans. Therefore, they need to get to the tomb of the fallen great Mongolian leader before Manchu does. This event reflects the idea of Hwang’s representation of Asians as pollutants (p. 9). As such, they should be minimized if not extinguished. The world domination of Dr. Manchu represents the scattering of Asians who are thriving wherever they go. For instance, during the gold rush, many Chinese migrated to America. However, they are often suppressed by the Whites because they obviously have leadership capabilities. A time finally came when the Chinese had to serve in American homes. This mixing of races in one environment allowed int ermarriages. The lovable characteristics of the Asians attracted them to the Americans nevertheless there has always been that fear of their ethnicity. Again, this could be seen in the lives of Granville and Manchu’s daughter, Fah Lo See. When
Friday, October 18, 2019
Polaroid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Polaroid - Essay Example - Evaluating net contribution of each business unit to overall company profitability 3. How can Polaroid ensure that it properly plans its marketing efforts to reach the target markets effectively How will these plans change as the target market become older The firm is offering diversified line of instant imaging products. As such, marketing efforts should be differentiated depending on the demographics of intended market. The marketing strategy should suit the target market. Given a wide target market range, there should be market segmentation followed by product positioning to effectively penetrate target market. Focused Group Discussion. - Invite people within the target market and tackle what are the marketing factors or strategies which have great impact on their decision to purchase Polaroid products. - Holding another round of discussion with those who purchased the product and take note of their feedbacks on the various aspects of the products. Profiling of Customers and Target Market. To ensure that marketing plans is going through the desired direction, compare profile of customers with that of the potential market initially targetted. Trend Analysis. For an effective marketing plan, current trends must be considered. Polaroid can take advantage of current trends in the environment when planning and implementing its marketing efforts. 4. Core competencies are critical aspects of strategic infrastructure. Identify Polaroid's core competencies. Into which categories can they be grouped Technological Competence. Polaroid has the ability to come up with innovative instant imaging products. The firm's expertise along this line is already proven since Polaroid... Technological Competence. Polaroid has the ability to come up with innovative instant imaging products. The firm's expertise along this line is already proven since Polaroid has been in the market for decades. Polaroid's track record for developing high quality instant imaging products is already tested. Marketing Competence. In view of its expertise in instant imaging, Polaroid has strong market presence. The market is well aware of the Polaroid brand, thus, the company has an established brand equity. The brand name is trusted by the market.
Analyzing of an Adverstisement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analyzing of an Adverstisement - Essay Example This is a dialogue based advertisement that starts off with a question about what is technology. Then it shows an actual depiction of what one perceives of technology. It shows a series of technical binary, robotics and air browsing then moving on to the next question which asks what technology does for us. This is where the advertisement manages to connect with the audiences by adding a human emotional element to the whole depiction of technology. It shows moving images with a child who is able to walk with the help of an engineered amputation and how he can play and have his shot at normal life. Next it shows how the paint application enables an elderly to try his hand at art with the ease of mouse and various functions available. It then shows children being able to view 3D videos of outer space for better understanding. Lastly, as a part of the whole answer it shows video conferencing between two school classes and the happiness with which they can see children their age study th e identical subjects thousands of miles away. It also shows doctors benefiting from the 3D technology by better understanding the human body and structure and their power to gain precision in X-rays. The advertisement then shows words that say and highlight that technology unites people. As a depiction of this fact, they show emotional images of people connecting with their loved ones miles away. One frame shows a soldier who can view his new born and morally support his wife through child birth through video chat and another show a young girl dancing excitedly at seeing her father on a wide screen. The robotic voiceover is effective in connecting the whole technological aspect with a human one (YouTube, 2014). The advertisement then moves onto the inspirational aspect of technology that has enabled human beings to do the impossible. The visuals and voiceover complement this statement by showing innovative hand leg amputations that allow special people to function just
Confederates in the Attic Book Analysis Term Paper
Confederates in the Attic Book Analysis - Term Paper Example He recalls his efforts for research, some bitter-sweet memories, the threat of physical violence and camaraderie he experienced, all for the sake of writing a good book with accurate historical details. Recollection of the past events is not always sweet, even when the present states of affairs are sound. For an individual, for an institution, for a race, for a language group and for the Nation as a whole, the original questions will always remain as the original questions with slight modifications here and there! During his extensive travel, Horwitz realized how sharply the viewpoints of the people were divided, over the fundamental issues, though taking into consideration the provisions of the Constitution, every citizen of America, was granted equal rights and continues to enjoy them. Tony Horwitz points out how a small initiative, even if it well-intentioned, has the potentiality of ending up in major conflagration and the pet up feelings of different sections of the people have chances of snowballing into a conflagration. He (1999, p.6) cites the example, â€Å"the Walt Disney Company unveiled plans for a Civil War theme park beside the Manassas battlefield. This provoked howls of protest that Disney would vulgarize history and sully the nation’s â€Å"hallowed ground.†It seemed as though the black-and-white photographs I’d studied as a child has blurred together, forming a Rorschach blot in which Americans now saw all sorts of unresolved strife; over race, sovereignty, the sanctity of historic landscapes, and who should interpret the past.†His interactions with the actors (people) in the re-enacting circles revealed their mind-sets and thinking processes and some humorous situations. About his impression of a bloated corpse Horwitz writes, ''His belly swelled grotesquely, his hands curled, his cheeks puffed out, his mouth contorted in a rectus of pain and astonishment. It was a flawless counterfeit of the bloated corpses photo graphed at Antietam and Gettysburg that I'd so often stared at as a child.'' (p.7) What he wondered and took note off was the seriousness with which each actor acted, not with the sense of professional integrity alone, but to give vent to their feelings of personal loyalties and convictions. In the course of his trek, Horwitz comes across highly interesting personalities, which one cannot imagine even in the fictional dreams and it provides rare insights into the minds of the personalities. Besides such encounters and experiences are invaluable addition from the perspectives of sociology and human psychology. My impressions about the text: This is an invaluable book that provides insight into the working of the minds of common individuals as for the issues confronting the Nation today. By passing laws on equality and by securing the freedom of individuals through legislations, nothing tangible will be achieved. No legislation can change the color of the skin, and this is the issue, that boggles those who have concern for the welfare of the Nation, nay the ultimate good the humankind. The most dismaying trend Horwitz finds is the resurgence of anti-Federal hostility and racial separatism and I agree with the author one hundred percent about his genuine concern. This is a historical issue for which extraordinary efforts are needed at all levels like politics, economics, sociology and even religious and spiritual values of the Nation. The politicians of different parties have so far
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Key Words in Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Key Words in Marketing - Essay Example This gave rise to the era of transactional marketing, where the relationship enjoyed was purely based on delivering products and receiving payment. Nevertheless, in the modern times, numerous reasons have reignited the need for companies to form a closer relationship with its customers. Hence, this relationship has received the formal name of Customer Relationship Management and has undergone scientific analysis and modernisation. This paper understands the concept of CRM, its place in the field of marketing, reasons for its emergence, its constituent components and contemporary usage. Definition of CRM CRM can be defined in various ways. As per Das Gupta (2005), it is a framework of a company that helps it achieve a consumer-oriented business process and high customer loyalty. It is a tool that helps integrate various data collected about consumers, business transactions, performances of various marketing efforts, consumer reception of products or services and new developments in ta rget market. Feinberg and Kadam (2002) defined CRM as an approach of a company concerning its commerce and marketing efforts that amalgamates business method, technology and all other actions, keeping the consumer at the centre. Parvatiyar and Sheth (2001) noted that CRM is an inclusive scheme that involves obtaining, maintaining and collaborating with consumers to generate a high degree of value. While in practice they were different approaches, at least in theory, CRM holds the same meaning as relationship marketing and the two are often used as substitutes of one another (Parvatiyar and Sheth, 2002). These two expressions have been applied to various ideas and contexts, that either present a constricted practical viewpoint of marketing or an expanded viewpoint encompassing a company’s orientation (Nevin, 1995). The constricted viewpoint of CRM is the effort of marketing by use of databases of current and potential consumers, highlighting the promotion-related characteristi cs concurrent with data recording. Yet another viewpoint, given by Vavra (1992) is that CRM is the sum total result of a company’s quest for retaining consumers through various post-marketing strategies that enable the company to foster a favourable relationship with the consumers, even after sales transactions are made. Thus, to sum up all efforts by different scholars, CRM can be defined as a company’s framework to create long-term relationships with current and potential consumers through the effective coordination of its marketing, post-marketing, sales and after-sales service efforts. CRM’s place in Marketing CRM is a diverse concept and encompasses all aspects of marketing. It is a tool used to create a personal one-to-one relationship with each consumer, as opposed to a restrictive company-customer relation. This helps in getting higher business out of consumers by locating high-value consumers, understanding their needs better and offering them an unprec edented quality of personalised service. The process not only rewards with high degree of customer satisfaction and loyalty, but also greater profits. CRM is also used to manage financial risks and make sales transactions a pleasurable experience for both the company and its consumers. For example, people who enjoy great relationships with their salesmen are more likely to provide contacts that can easily be converted into active consumers. Besides providing leads, such people are also likely to continue giving business to the company over a longer
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
How are we best to describe the actions of a serial killer Essay
How are we best to describe the actions of a serial killer - Essay Example Criminologist Eric Hickey’s database research on the demographics of serial killing highlights that 88% are male and 85% Caucasian and average age of 28.5 (E, Hickey. 2006). In terms of victim selection, Hickey’s empirical research further demonstrates that 62% target strangers exclusively and another 22% kill at least one stranger (E, Hickey. 2006). Additionally, 71% of the killers operated in a specifically targeted location or area, rather operating in multiple locations. Moreover, Wilson further refers to the â€Å"cooling off period†and patterns of similarity in the method of killing (D, Wilson. 2001). Reference is made to serial killer Wayne Gacy who would gag victims with their own underwear in order that they would die in their own vomit (J. Silverman, D. Wilson, 2002). Notwithstanding criminological observations regarding parallel trends in serial killer behaviour, scientific findings regarding physiological causal factors remain inconclusive to describe the motivations behind the actions of a serial killer (Vronsky 2004). Indeed, the attempts of social science, biological and criminological theory to explain differences between male and female violence in context of serial killers further highlights the flawed attempt to propound a conclusive and all encompassing rationale to explain the actions of serial killers (Vronsky 2004).
Key Words in Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Key Words in Marketing - Essay Example This gave rise to the era of transactional marketing, where the relationship enjoyed was purely based on delivering products and receiving payment. Nevertheless, in the modern times, numerous reasons have reignited the need for companies to form a closer relationship with its customers. Hence, this relationship has received the formal name of Customer Relationship Management and has undergone scientific analysis and modernisation. This paper understands the concept of CRM, its place in the field of marketing, reasons for its emergence, its constituent components and contemporary usage. Definition of CRM CRM can be defined in various ways. As per Das Gupta (2005), it is a framework of a company that helps it achieve a consumer-oriented business process and high customer loyalty. It is a tool that helps integrate various data collected about consumers, business transactions, performances of various marketing efforts, consumer reception of products or services and new developments in ta rget market. Feinberg and Kadam (2002) defined CRM as an approach of a company concerning its commerce and marketing efforts that amalgamates business method, technology and all other actions, keeping the consumer at the centre. Parvatiyar and Sheth (2001) noted that CRM is an inclusive scheme that involves obtaining, maintaining and collaborating with consumers to generate a high degree of value. While in practice they were different approaches, at least in theory, CRM holds the same meaning as relationship marketing and the two are often used as substitutes of one another (Parvatiyar and Sheth, 2002). These two expressions have been applied to various ideas and contexts, that either present a constricted practical viewpoint of marketing or an expanded viewpoint encompassing a company’s orientation (Nevin, 1995). The constricted viewpoint of CRM is the effort of marketing by use of databases of current and potential consumers, highlighting the promotion-related characteristi cs concurrent with data recording. Yet another viewpoint, given by Vavra (1992) is that CRM is the sum total result of a company’s quest for retaining consumers through various post-marketing strategies that enable the company to foster a favourable relationship with the consumers, even after sales transactions are made. Thus, to sum up all efforts by different scholars, CRM can be defined as a company’s framework to create long-term relationships with current and potential consumers through the effective coordination of its marketing, post-marketing, sales and after-sales service efforts. CRM’s place in Marketing CRM is a diverse concept and encompasses all aspects of marketing. It is a tool used to create a personal one-to-one relationship with each consumer, as opposed to a restrictive company-customer relation. This helps in getting higher business out of consumers by locating high-value consumers, understanding their needs better and offering them an unprec edented quality of personalised service. The process not only rewards with high degree of customer satisfaction and loyalty, but also greater profits. CRM is also used to manage financial risks and make sales transactions a pleasurable experience for both the company and its consumers. For example, people who enjoy great relationships with their salesmen are more likely to provide contacts that can easily be converted into active consumers. Besides providing leads, such people are also likely to continue giving business to the company over a longer
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Patron Saint of Butterflies Essay Essay Example for Free
Patron Saint of Butterflies Essay Essay The main characters of the story are Honey, and Agnes. The whole book was written in a switch off format which is when Honey and Agnes each write a chapter on what happened in there own thoughts. The story shows a relationship between two girls that slowly grow apart holding tight onto what they have left in their friendship. The characters are Honey, her dad which is Mr. Little, Mrs. Little, Nana Pete, Lillian, Benny, and the owners of Mount Blessing, Mother Veronica and Father Emmanuel. In this story, the characters are in a conflict; Mother Veronica and Father Emmanuel were the ones that were against Lillian, Nana Pete, Honey, and Agnes. There were against each other because Father Emmanuel was punishing the people that lived on Mount Blessing. The story started like this, Agnes was looking for Honey she got into trouble. Honey was punished by Emmanuel because she kissed a boy, on her back; Veronica had carved the word â€Å"harlot†. Soon, Nana Pete (Agnes and Benny’s grandmother) found out about the regulation room where people were being punished at. Nana Pete decides to leave after she found out, when Benny had his finger slammed in the door. Someone had called the police, but because Emmanuel knew he was going to get into trouble if the police come, so he decides to it on himself clumsily. Nana Pete takes him to the hospital where they had to undo everything that Emmanuel had done. Right after Benny had woken up, they escape from Mount blessing where Agnes really doesn’t want to because she wants to become a saint, but Honey dreads to escape that place from the day her was born. Honey had to say goodbye to Winky, the person that Honey owns a utterfly garden with. Honey also left a note about if Agnes ever goes back, Honey made Winky call the cops. They travel across from Connecticut all the way to Texas. On the way, Agnes faced a lot of things that were considered a sin, like eating stuff that are red, watching T. V. and listening to the radio which was all considered sins but Honey did all of them even when she knew it was against the rules on Mount Blessing. Agnes struggles to be with Honey because of their differences, especially when they arrive to the destination and meet a girl amed Lillian. Actually, Lillian is Honey’s mother that had left her when she was only a baby, the story of her mother was complicated. She was wonderful at the violin when she had went to Mount Blessing, so she instantly was accepted into Emmanuel’s inner group which usually take years to do. But at that time she was already pregnant but the people in the inner circle knew nothing about it, when they did, Honey was already born into this world, so they made Lillian go away and let Honey stay with Lillian’s brother, Joseph (Mr.Little). Things turn out pretty well until Nana Pete had died from a heart attacked. Honey and Agnes had a major fight after Agnes was praying for Nana Pete to come back alive, Honey said that it was impossible and had some argument that had caused Honey to hit Agnes. Rushing out the door, Honey hopped into the truck and then drove to the shop Lillian owned. She rushed in causing everyone to suddenly look at her, and then she dragged Lillian back, at that same time Agnes had called her parents to fly here and go pick up Agnes. After her parents arrive, Mr. Little called Lillian the name she was given at Mount Blessing. After Agnes left, that was when Honey found out Lillian was her mother, also she finally knew the reason why Nana Pete treated her like her own grandchild. When Agnes arrived at Mount Blessing, she saw there were rows of police cars parked in front of the regulation room, the cops wanted to see all of the children, alone, that is when Emmanuel said â€Å"remember, we are believers†meaning for them to not tell anything about the room. Because the children were so scared they all didn’t respond to the negative things that were mentioned about Mount Blessing. But then, Agnes thought about what was right and what she should do, slowly with trembling legs, she stood up. At the same time, Honey and Lillian was driving to Mount Blessing, when they arrive, the cops arrived because of the fact that Winky had called the police. A few weeks later, all of the parents were to be kept in order to be questioned, that is when Honey and Agnes stand on the same line, and race each other to the finish line. They raced each other at the end because Agnes wanted to be a saint, and she thought racing was a sin, but she finally loosened up from what Honey had helped her with. I thought this book was the adventurous kind in the beginning, but then did I find out it was about friendship and love. This book was very touching from what Honey had described in one of the chapters about how Agnes had changed from the friend that she use to know to what she is now, a saint to be. I thought that it was outrageous when I read to the part about that they were hit by Emmanuel. To what I think, people should not be punished by what they have done just according to the rules that some guy had made, and I thought that if the kids don’t want to live there, why do their parents make them? In a lot of the chapters, it showed that Agnes had a string that was tied around the waist, and every time she had committed a sin, she would tighten the string, just imagining it I would think would be hard enough for me, but to do it, it takes guts. This booked talked a lot about friendship and trust, and I also thought it was so touching when it told the ending about how they raced each other. It would be hard for me to ever still hold on to the friendship that Agnes and Honey had held on to, I would just have stopped being friends with Agnes instead of trying to convince her back to being normal. I really loved this book because it connected with the experiences that I had, my friend, well more like best friend had started to ‘fit in’ with the crowd, and soon, she pretended that she didn’t ever know me. But before I came to America, I had to say goodbye to her, and she said that the only reason she left me was because I started making new friends and didn’t even talk to her. The misunderstanding was all over, but the things that had already happened could not be solved, so I felt that I was in the same relationship with my best friend just like how Agnes and Honey was. This story could be told to all ages and not to a limited age, it talks about friendship, trust, and most important, holding onto your friend.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Pharmacology Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics History And Development Biology Essay
Pharmacology Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics History And Development Biology Essay The hemp plant cannabis sativa, versatile plant named by Swedish botanist Linaeus in 1735 originated in Central Asia has been widely distributed around the world. The earliest use of the drug has been known to be in existence since 700 BC in Assyrian tablets drug finding its place even in the British Pharmaceutical Codex, as late as 1949(G. Geoffrey, W. Brain and R. Philip;2004). Cannabis is an annual dioecious developing from seed, fast growing plant which reaches the maturity in 60 days. It has a lance shaped leaflets with saw tooth edge with woody angular hairy stem with a height of 50 ft or more. Cannabis indica is smaller subspecies it a height of 4 feet other varieties are obtained by crossing cannabis sativa and cannabis indica. Cannabis is used as psychoactive drug. Around 20 million people in USA and Europe and many other part of world use cannabis on a regular basis although consumption is illegal in most of the countries. The psychoactive ingredient of cannabis is delta-9-tetra hydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabis is also known by the names like marijuana, hashish, charas, bhang, ganga and sinsemilla among this hashish and charas are most potent with THC content 10 20%. High concentration of THC can be found in the fine droplets of sticky resin produced by glands at the base of the fine hairs that coats leaves and flower heads (J. Robert,A primer of Drug Action; 1998). Fig 1 Cannabis sativa ( Fig 2 Cannabis tincture ( History and Development of Cannabis Fig 3 (M.D. Vincenzo; 2006) Chemistry of THC: Chemical structure of THC was elucidated in 1964; thereafter many chemical analogues have been synthesized and tested. Phenolic hydroxyl group(C-1) is for cannabiniol activity, side chain(C-9) is important as potency can be increased by increase in chain length, also methyl group substitution at side chain carbon adjacent to aromatic ring and northern aliphatic hydroxyl group enhances the activity of THC.THC was isolated during the world war II from red oil fraction of cannabis and other optically active component isolated was cannabidiol. ( G. Geoffrey, W. Brain and R. Philip;2004) Fig 4 Structures of delta-9-tetra hydrocannabinol(THC) IUPAC Name: (à ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬ )-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl-3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro-6H- benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Molecular weight: 314.45 daltons. Formula: C21H30O2 Pharmacology (Cannabiniod receptor): First cannabinoid receptor was identified in 1990 which lead to further studies. In central nervous system cannabinoid receptor are found in G-proteins with seven transmembrane spanning segments which are strongly expressed in basal ganglia, cerebellum and hippocampus, at higher concentration expressed on afferent spinal cord regions and at lower concentrations at brain stem it has a chain of 473 amino acids with a hydrophobic domain (B. David, P. Gareth, G. Gavin, and T. Alan; 2003).Second receptor (CB2) is expressed by leucocytes and in haemopoeitic development. Endocannabiniods have cannabinoid receptor binding activity and function of the endocannabinoid system is to regulate synaptic neurotransmission. First endocannabiniod was observed in 1992 by Devan and co-workers from porcine brain which was anandamide it showed behavioural, hypothermic, and analgesic effects similar to that of cannabinoids many other are found in central nervous system (CNS) but exact physiological roles a re not yet know ( L.A.Matsuda, S.J. Brownstein, et al;1990). Fig 5 CB expression on brain. (B. David, P. Gareth, G. Gavin, and T. Alan; 2003) Pharmacodynamics: Effects of THC on CNS studies shows impairment in learning, psychomotor performance and associative processes. Heavy users showed impairment in attention and à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"amotivationalà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ syndrome with chronic use of marijuana(R.I. Block, R. Fairnpour, and K.Braverman;1998). Commonly seen physiological effects on cardiovascular system are increased blood pressure, heart rate with dry mouth, dizziness and slight nausea(H.G.Pope and D.Yurgelun-Todd;1996). Long-term use leads to immunosuppression of immune system, also Cannabiniod receptors inhibit intracellular adenylate cyclase second-messenger system resulting into decrease spleen cell liberation on immune response and increase the susceptibility of infections or disease. Chronic use results into reduction in fertility and sexual potency in the individual.( P.A. Fried;1995). THC readily passes through placenta and affects the new born with visual perception, language comprehension and frequent me mory loss. ( M.A. Huestis, A.H. Sampson, B.J. Holicky, et al;1992) Pharmacokinetics: Most commonly cannabis is taken by smoking which is through inhalation followed by rapid absorption from lungs into the bloodstream though bioavailability is less (10-27%).Oral administration has plasma levels much lower compared to Intra-venous infusions and inhalation this is due to first pass metabolism in the liver resulting in to poor bioavailability. Bioavailability is higher by sublingual and rectal administration. Cannabinoids are lipophilic in nature (log Kow=7.4) and gets widely distributed in brain, kidney, liver and fat with steady release in the blood,90% of cannabinoids are bound to plasma proteins and 10% to red blood cells( M. Wahlqvist, M.I. Nilsson, F. Sandberg, S;1970). Phase I metabolism of cannabinoids is catalysed by cytochrome P450 in liver with oxidase system. Majority of THC metabolites are excreted in faeces (65%) and rest in urine through glucuronide conjugates (M. Bornheim and A. Correia;1989). Tolerance and dependence: The long known use of the drug has not really given a clear scientifically proven picture that the drug or the derivatives of the plant are beneficial for therapeutic purposes (A. Duffy and R. Milin; 1996). Although there are no severe dependency problems, on the hind side, the toxic nature of Cannabinoids, has also seen increased heart rate, lowering of blood pressure, euphoric intoxication and toxic psychosis resulting from a loss of cognitive performance. Extensive clinical trials over the years have seen the drug being classified into lesser harmful categories, classified into Schedules from 1 to 3, with 3 being of least harm (C. P. OBrein; 1995). Funded by Medical Research Council, the research includes testing on 660 patients over a time period of 3 years. Another research involves 400 patients who would be treated with different forms of cannabis plant and compared with conventional analgestics. The trails are supported by nations like UK, USA, Switzerland, Germany with each country supplying the distinct Cannabis extracts. Another trial in UK is for treatment of multiple sclerosis and other neurological disorders and use a sub-lingual spray as the method of drug delivery. Each of the manufactured extract needs to comply with the Good Manufacturing Practice(s) that oversees selection of plant material, solvent used, and the entire processing itself. (C. P. OBrein; 1995). Analytical Methods: Initial screening of drug of abuse is generally carried out by immunoassay and confirmation of the results is done using chromatographic methods. Radioimmunoassay is generally used for detection cannabinoids in the biological samples. Gas chromatography (GC) is most frequently used analytical method to analyse product but due to decarboxylation during the analysis in neutral forms determination of acidic cannabinoids is not possible. High speed liquid chromatography (HPLC) method used for determination of composition of cannabinoids is one of the efficient and the simplest way to elucidate major cannabinoids but overlapping of peaks is a concern (Y. Ruiqin, X. Wenlin;2006). Though combination of mass spectroscopy and HPLC rectifies errors due to overlapping of peaks and combination of HPLC/GC can produce effective analysis. (B. Benjamin, D. Benjamin, L.Pierre, T.Laetitia, D.Nathalie, D.Lies, V. Alain, H. Philippe, C.Corinne,Innovative; 2009). Fig 6 GC chromatogram of a standard solution of D9-THCA-A analysed (F.E. Dussy et al; 1996) Fig 7 HPLC chromatogram of THC recorded at 220nm (F.E. Dussy et al; 1996) Small amount of sample can be reused with simple operation using solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME) to study cannabinoids followed by GC/MS for target molecule confirmation and determination presence of THC in saliva and hair using SPME-GC/MS can be determined (F.E. Dussy et al;1996).LC-IT/MS is used for quantification and conformation of various cannabinoids in a single method though this method is cost effective so use is limited.(A.A.M. Stolker, J. van Schoonhoven, A.J. de Vries, I. Bobeldijk-Pastorova, W.H.J. Vaes, R. van den Berg;2004) Legalization: The legal position held on this drug is still in a state of confusion with no conclusive evidence on the actual therapeutic effects it has. Many countries have softened their stand on the punishment for possession of cannabis, with Netherlands going to the extent of decriminalizing soft drugs in 1976. Belgium followed suit, with the clause that it should not lead to social nuisance, risks and problematic consumption. The USA took a U turn to prohibit the drug due to not enough evidence after certain states allowed the use of the drug for medicinal purposes. Canadian law allows the usage of drug for exceptional cases of patients with prior support from the medical practitioner. Due to its activity on the nervous system, the drug has primarily been used in medicinal treatment of muscle spasms, menstrual cramps, rheumatism, tetanus convulsions, rabies and epilepsy with the current day applications being witnessed in treatment of anorexia, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, glaucoma, hypertension, muscle spasticity, nausea, vomiting and pain. But these applications have just fetched two licensed cannabinoids for medicinal purpose THC (Marinol) and Nabilone, both of which are synthetic (A.C.Moffat; 2006). Conclusion: The Cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa.) is used as recreational drug with a long history and is a part of traditional medicine from the past. The relatively recent discovery of cannabinoid receptors and the human endocannabinoid system has opened up a new and exciting field of research. Bioavailability is obtained by rectal and sublingual administration and rapid absorption takes place with intra-venous and inhalation. But despite the potential, cannabis is categorized as a narcotic drug it is prevented to develop into modern medicine. Dependence and addiction to this drug is quite rare. Psychoactive cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has received great attention, and much is known about its biological effects and mechanisms of action, analytical methods, pharmacokinetics, and structure-activity relationships, it will be a challenge to see cannabis as a routine medicine for various disorders.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Insomnia, the Trouble of Nights Essay -- Health, Diseases
People do many activities during day time, adults work; students go to school and study; children play games or homemakers stay at home for daily house works, but everyone do something. Even if some activities are enjoyable, easy or funny after all at the end of the day, people need to sleep to rest their bodies. Sleeping time is an indispensible part of human lives which is needed and spent every single day. Human beings need sleeping to forget tiredness of an ending day mentally and also physically, so they can restart another new day. Though people know how sleeping is important, what happens if they cannot sleep? This is the name of disease, insomnia, which means the sleep without poor quantity or quality. There are many types, causes, effects and treatment methods for insomnia that have developed and also have been continuing to search. Nowadays, not to be able to sleep after a hard day makes me think about insomnia more than before. Like many people, I am an insomniac in some periods of my life which caused to choose this topic and I will try to figure out the insomnia by searching with details to solve this problem. (Rosekind, and Gregory 617) According to Rosekind and Gregory, â€Å"Insomnia is a disorder of inadequate sleep (poor quantity or quality) that can result in impairment of daytime function or in emotional distress†( NIH and American Psychiatric Association 617). It is possible to classified insomnia in different categories. The first classification is based on sleeping situation of sleep. Sleep-onset insomnia is hard to begin to sleep; sleep-maintenance is getting awake for a long night time and waking up early and cannot sleep again. The second classification is based on time , people who cannot sleep one ... ...y different ways which are simple to apply and without any or less side effects. One of these methods is River Rock Medication which can be applied in everywhere, based on breathe exercising; just are needed two small stones to put under feet during medication. This medication method for five minutes before bed time helps to sleep. (Darling, 302) Another treatment method is AT. AT is an ideal method to treat insomnia which is caused of stress or anxiety and also it is a drug-free method. According to Bowden, â€Å"AT is a psychophysiologic based form of autonomic self-regulationâ€â€a structured meditative practice. The patient learns a set of simple meditative exercises, which focus the mind on the body’s experience of relaxation. This leads to a reduction in excessive sympathetic tone and a better balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity†(Bowden, 302)
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Informed Consent Essay -- Medical Care
Informed consent is the basis for all legal and moral aspects of a patient’s autonomy. Implied consent is when you and your physician interact in which the consent is assumed, such as in a physical exam by your doctor. Written consent is a more extensive form in which it mostly applies when there is testing or experiments involved over a period of time. The long process is making sure the patient properly understands the risk and benefits that could possible happen during and after the treatment. As a physician, he must respect the patient’s autonomy. For a patient to be an autonomous agent, he must have legitimate moral values. The patient has all the rights to his medical health and conditions that arise. When considering informed consent, the patient must be aware and should be able to give a voluntary consent for the treatment and testing without being coerced, even if coercion is very little. Being coerced into giving consent is not voluntary because other s people’s opinions account for part of his decision. Prisoners and the poor population are two areas where coercion is found the most when giving consent. Terminally ill patients also give consent in hope of recovering from their illness. Although the possibilities are slim of having a successful recovery, they proceed with the research with the expectation of having a positive outcome. Although the physician provides adequate information to his patient, how can he ensure that his patient properly knows everything and is capable of making the decision? Prisoners and the poor population are simply two groups that are easily coerced into giving consent to medical research. Although prisoners give consent, I don’t believe many are voluntarily giving consent, but... ...on from your patient that could possible alter his decision. The patient should have rights to know all information and statistics about the doctor and the success rate of all treatment options revealed. The information, in which, the doctor reveals or does not reveal fall under the category of reasonable clinician standard. Reasonable clinician standard is inconsistent with informed consent because the focus is on the physician rather than the patient’s best interest. Works Cited Davis, John K. "Precedent Autonomy and Subsequent Consent." Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 40.3 (2004): 267-91. Gert, Heather. "Avoiding Surprises: A Model for Informing Patients." The Hastings Center Reports 32.5 (2002): 23-32. Nelson, Robert, and Jon Merz. "Voluntariness of Consent for Research: An Empirical and Conceptual Review." Medical Care 40.9 (2002): 69-80.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Economic environment Essay
The country has been experiencing rapid economic growth due to the increasing oil prices. Oil and Gas account for more than 50% of its GDP, which is 70% of government revenues and 85% of its export earnings. Qatar’s GDP is $ 85. 35 billion, GDP growth rate is 11. 2% with and inflation rate of 15. 2%. Realizing this unhealthy dependency toward oil and gas, most of the economic policies of Qatar are now focused on dealing with Qatar’s non-associated natural gas reserves and developing foreign and private investments in non-energy sectors. The Qatari Government has been actively encouraging foreign investments in non-oil sectors like power, telecommunication and real estate. The country is significantly influenced by the Free Trade Agreement which has made investments in non-oil sectors more attractive, including the tourism sector, real estate and trade sector. It is predicted that the flow of international investment in Qatar will increase due to this development program by the Qatari government. Nevertheless, the amount of international investment in Qatar will remain on its oil and gas sector. Businesses from within the country also invest considerably on EU businesses. Furthermore, the government is highly committed to privatization of most of its state-owned businesses, like telecommunications, power and water sector. A more detailed look on its trade activities revealed that the country’s largest slice of exports are large machineries like aircraft, power generator plant, mechanical appliances, medical equipment, electrical machineries, etc. Furthermore, the country’s investment and monetary environment is reported to be a source of concerns. This is true because high oil prices and strong economic growth has been accelerating the inflation level into a rate which is hard to tolerate. This has significant effect toward the real-estate and stock markets. The stock market has experienced a correction in 2006, but reports revealed that Qatar has much recovered from it. On the other hand, the real-estate prices have been rising to an alarming rate. These increases are partly fueled by high real estate financings. It should be noted however, that the Qatari government has been limiting the overall exposure to this sector, and thus, a real estate sector shock is unlikely in the foreseeable future. Only prolonged low oil prices will dampen the development of the banking sector as well as other developing sectors in Qatar, and such occurrences are considered very difficult to become a reality. 1. 1. 1. Cultural Environment The people of Qatar are highly educated people with an overall high sense of business. 90% of the population is literate and school life expectancy is 13 years, which is a high number in any region of the world. People speak Arabic, but English are commonly used as a second language. The people of Qatar consist of quite diverse origins. 40% are Arabic, 18% are Indians, another 18% are Pakistani, 10% are Iranian, etc. Life expectancy is high and infant mortality rate a very low with beneficial age structure for business activities. 1. 2. Competitive Assessment Considering the highly developed economy and the abundant economic resources, Qatar should be considered as a highly competitive environment. This is true considering the economic appeal that the country has toward western countries, including the European Union. Qatar has maintained a strong and positive relationship to the EU countries, which would naturally bring more attention of EU businesses, to enter the Qatar markets. On the other hand, the Qataris themselves should be accounted as a possible source of competition for retail and electronic products, especially the latter. As mentioned, Qatar’s most active sector recently is the electronic and machinery sector. Even though the machinery sector is not within the realm of competition with retail products, but the electronic sector in Qatar means significant competition from local players, especially when the sector is highly developed already. The positive aspect of expanding to Qatar is being one of the first foreign presences within the particular sector. Despite the competitive nature of the business environment, being one of the first players within the industry would significantly help the image of Brookstone. 1. 3. Potential Target Market Assessment Almost 80% of the country’s population consist of people aged 15-64, which is an active consumer. Nevertheless, research indicated that the most likely consumers of Brookstone are business society, followed by the average retail consumers. This is true considering Brookstone’s specialty in delivering customers with complete set retail choices, even the ones that are generally hard to find in the general market. I believe that taking account of the rapidly expanding economy in Qatar, such offerings from Brookstone will be welcomed warmly by the society. 2. Market Entry Strategy In theory, it is safer for companies to follow the general steps of entering a foreign market. Those steps are: direct exporting first, followed by joint ventures, establishing a sales representative and then establishing a full-fledged subsidiary within the region. Nevertheless, considering the retail nature of the business, it is highly crucial for Brookstone to have the first appearance in the market as trustworthy provider of people’s needs. Therefore, a more direct approach by establishing stores within Qatar markets is a more suitable method for Brookstone. Nevertheless, several adjustments would be necessary considering that the company is entering a country with significantly different cultures and sensitive political views. It is important for Brookstone marketing managers to enter the lives of its customers and understand their perspectives in relation to retail matters. That understanding could be used to create a more effective and market-reaching in-store marketing programs or out-of-store promotional programs.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Home vs House
Material and Spiritual Possessions John Berry, the homeless man from Yorba Linda was stabbed in the back thirty times. He did not have what people viewed as a house, but the bench near Carl’s Jr. was considered his home, a place of comfort and value close to the heart. â€Å"Homeless†an essay written by Anna Quindlen, focuses on the people who don’t have that sense of place, â€Å"a place of certainty, stability, predictability, and privacy†(Quindlen 528). â€Å"Homeless†is not about the people who are living on the streets, but the people who never had a house to call their home.The difference between the two is that a house is a possession that functions as a protective shelter, an area to do daily routines and is a monetary asset to the owner, while a home possesses sentimental value, memories and traditions. First, a house is an architectural structure that provides shelter and also used for financial gain for its inhabitants. A house has fou r walls and a roof to block wind, rain, heat, and other outside elements for the people inside.Therefore, the outside of the house is made of materials that are waterproof while the structure is sturdy to withstand high winds. A house contains air conditioning and blinds to block heat from the outside. This building doesn’t only protect from weather, but also from people. The doors and windows have locking mechanisms to keep unwanted intruders out. A house also can be equipped with a security system that has cameras, alarms, and motion sensing lights for the people who want to be extra safe. Each room in a house is built specially to serve a purpose.The kitchen is filled with appliances to cook and store food. The bathroom is built with a toilet, shower, and a mirror to help accomplish morning routines. The bedrooms have a closet, bed, and desk so that the person living there can have his own private area to change, sleep, and complete work. However, the main purpose for a ho use for many people is for the financial gain. A house can be sold, bought, rented, foreclosed, and even abandoned. Many people bought a house so in the future they hope that they can resell the house for when they retire.Some people buy inexpensive houses to fix them up with a small amount of money and sell it for more than they bought the house including the repairs. Others buy a house in a certain area so they can vacation and stay there whenever they please. Houses are a realtor’s way of making a living. A house is treated like a possession that is passed from owner to owner and becomes nothing more than a structure. On the other hand, a home is a special place that holds memories that will never be forgotten, traditions and feelings that cannot be found anywhere else.A home has those crayons blemishes on the wall that track how the children are growing over the years. Home has that smell of Korean style hotpot every Christmas, that certain area where there is perfect lig hting with peace and quiet to indulge in a novel, and the window that has a perfect view and has sun seep through it every morning. Birthdays to holidays are spent together with friends and family in this safe haven celebrating the special occasion. A home sees the ups and downs of the family living there.A family grows together in a home not only by age, but bonds between family members. A living room in a home hosts the Super Bowl game every year where friends and family get together with snacks and drinks to watch the game. A living room in a home is where the tree stands every December towering over the presents. The living room has the perfect love seat to be lazy on and watch favorite television shows and movies. The mahogany coffee table right next to the sofa is the perfect rest for feet compare to being pressed against the cold tile floor.Board games are placed on the coffee table in the middle of a circle of friends and family to compete with each other in Monopoly, Life, and Scrabble. To sum up, home is the best place to be to unwind from the day and have all the stress die way. A home is original, there is no place like home. It is decorated with memories and sentimental items; it has a feeling of permanence. The family in the home has privacy knowing no one is looking over their shoulder, no one is in their area of relaxation and no one is going to be bothersome. The home owner has control of what happens within the walls of the home.The home owner chooses what activities, parties and people that are allowed inside the home. Home is where the heart, privacy, and memories reside. Lastly, a home is a sanctuary and private place, while a house is a shelter monetary possession, and full fills basic needs. A home provides way beyond a house can ever give. They all vary in size, shape, color and design, but what is always different is the feeling inside. Works Cited Quindlen, Anna. â€Å"Homeless. †The Longwood Reader. 4th ed. Ed. Edward Dornan (Indent) Charles Dawe. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000. 527-529. Print.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Reward Management Essay
Recently, Reward Management is an important role in Human Resources Management. Many organizations realized the benefit of the reward system , in a way that it could reinforce the employee’s performance, enhance motivation and gain their commitment. For example, when employees know that rewards are tied to their performance, they will try to perform better and take ownership of their jobs. Also, it is a motivation that makes employees evolve a sense of accomplishment and take pride in their work, which in turn increases ownership. Remuneration is a major feature for employment. It is the reason that why people are working. The contribution of employees to the organization can be compensated in terms of monetary or non-monetary terms. Remuneration does not just compensate employees for their efforts, but also affect the recruitment and retention of talented people. There are three recommendations for improving performance by using modern reward management techniques. First, we would recommend that remuneration to be linked to performance, linking to the pay to the quantity of the employee’s output or productivity charts, and therefore the remuneration with be depending on the result, whether the outcome is to be of good quality or outstanding quantity. Another type of performance-linked remuneration is performance related pay, where the performance of employee is measured against previously set objectives, or compared with the various tasks listed in the job description by using performance appraisal system. Based on the above features, we propose to add in these kinds of features into the reward system. We can hold some reward planning, which is related to pay that to encourage most of employees. Secondly, staff motivation can be enhanced through the reshaping of working routines and hours. Nowadays, many employees have complaint about the long working hours and the private life being invaded. However, reducing working hours is not always possible due to the huge amount of workload. In order to deal with the problem, we would recommend flexi-working hours. The concept of flexi-working is to suit the convenience of the employee without influence the organization’s functioning. Nowadays, many people are busy on working, studying and managing their family life. To such extent, flexi-work allows flexible entry and leaving times for employee, which is beneficial for employees in managing their time schedule. Being able to manage their work, study and family life, they are able to obtain a work-life balance, and thus being able to increase their productivity, decline in absenteeism, and reduction in employee turnover and increases their moral. Thirdly, competition among work increases vigorously, and employees tend to undertakes different training courses or opt for further study. As a result, we would recommend the linking of training or education sponsorship with the performance. For example, if the employees opt for a course related to their job nature, the company can sponsor their cost of training. In order to enhance performance, we suggest the amount of sponsorship to be linked with the employee’s performance, and the payment is to be made upon the successful completion of the course. To such extent, the employee’s motivation to perform is enhanced, and they are more willing to equip themselves with the necessary skills related to their job. In conclusion, reward management is essential in managing the performance of the employee. Remuneration is the major and yet the most essential element in employment term, and therefore managing the reward system can effectively enhance the employee’s performance and motivation. Yet, both monetary and non-monetary reward can be used for the aforementioned purpose.
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